A blog about Anything; Life, the Universe or Everything.

About the Author

Hey there, fellow bloggers! I gotta say, trying to navigate Wordpress is like trying to dance the Macarena with two left feet. I mean, what’s with these Blocks? Are they like Tetris pieces that we have to fit together to make a post? And don’t even get me started on editing the layout. It’s like trying to dress a cat in a tutu. Sure, it might look cute, but good luck getting it to stay that way! I just hope I don’t end up with more edits than actual posts. Otherwise, I’ll have to hire a personal assistant just to keep up with all the changes.

This is where I start sharing my brutal honesty. I did write the part above but didn’t like how I said it, so I used a little AI to spice it up. My apologies to whatever poor soul created some of the parts of this. The odd thing is I can see myself in this, but at least half of it must have been stolen from someone who is now a nameless gathering of bits inside some Large Language Model.

This was your first clue about what I mean when I say this blog is about anything and everything. I’m one of those nerdy science geeks that sticks his nose into everything science, philosophy, religion, politics, and my wife’s tomato pie! The last one is particularly delicious and what I had for the first meal, where I break my fast after the most significant part of the day has passed, around 5:30 pm, which brings me to my first tidbit about me. I’m a type 2 diabetic, and I hate breaking my fast because it is always the first volley in a fight with my insulin pump, and it reminds me as I scan over what I wrote: I won’t write about sports. Mostly I don’t because I rarely watch them except for the occasional Steeler’s game if they’re winning by the time I get around to watching the season. I have no idea how they’re doing this year, which says something else about me.

I can’t say much about the template I’m using; it wants to keep my text area confined to the right. I’d prefer it to be a little more to the left. (insert sly political reference) At least electrons don’t have the same effect on the planet. It doesn’t make much difference whether I use the entire width of the page or not. This reminds me; I keep looking to insert a comment about my being a writer. Here is as good a place as any. I’m a writer. I’m also working on my first book, which takes more effort than commenting on someone else’s body of work. I’m not worried about whether I get followers or not. If I don’t, this just becomes a good place to vent. Of course, my book doesn’t look anything like my blog. I would love to talk about it, but I’m under penalty of death from my wife if I do. According to her, the book is good enough to generate memes. Heck, the title is a meme, kind of. I’ll have to wait to see whether that’s true or not. I expect to have it finished by the end of the year; who knows how long it will take to get it published.

Even if I can’t talk about my book, and can talk about my basic philosophy. I didn’t want to write a book full of the usual tropes. I thought about getting the AI to help me out, but after it kept trying to pull me into a Hero’s Journey, I had to back out. I do not want another hero’s journey! I’m sick of all the fighting, killing, and frankly, there’s enough of that going on in the news to keep me depressed for the remainder of my life. Depending on how one looks at it, it could be tomorrow, and if I can hang around for another five to ten years, I might get the opportunity to grow younger, which reminds me of a routine I have with my wife. I’ll gripe about getting older; the usual, it ain’t for sissies. But, I’ll say, “Ugh! I hate this growing older crap.” and she’ll reply, “At least it beats the alternative.” and I say, “What? Growing younger?” I do this because the conversation ends there. She knows better than to bait me.

I just got the five-minute warning. Dinner is ready. For the first blog page, this will have to do. I can’t spend too much time doing this. It takes away from the book. If it looks good enough, I’ll return when the mood hits me. PS: I just noticed that the Get in Touch button works. I’ll take care of that as soon as I can figure out which part of WordPress handles comments and contact emails! 🙂